Ambazonia: Interim Gov’t to boost intelligence and self defense cooperation among Amba Fighters 0

The Southern Cameroons Interim Government has announced plans to boost Ambazonia intelligence services and also to improve cooperation among all self defense groups defending the homeland against French Cameroun aggression and occupation.

“The Interim Government has decided to invest in the newly created Intelligence Department within the framework of strengthening communication among all self defense groups in Ground Zero” the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Dabney Yerima said on Thursday during a presentation to members of the Ambazonia Southern Cameroons Pillars in the United Kingdom (ASCAP UK).

Yerima informed the Southern Cameroons UK think tank that there was an urgent need for Southern Cameroonians in the diaspora to support the Interim Government’s efforts geared at intelligence gathering and sharing among Ambazonia Restoration Forces in Ground Zero. He also praised ASCAP for their generous donations to Ambazonian refugees and detainees both in Nigeria and in French Cameroun.   

Vice President Yerima pointed out that the creation of an intelligence department by the Interim Government increases the will of Southern Cameroons Restoration Forces to work together in the face of French Cameroun army onslaught.

The leader of the Ambazonian nation, President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe made it very clear to the French Cameroun government recently that the people of Southern Cameroons do not want French Cameroun soldiers on their soil, and our response as an exiled government is the creation of an intelligence department” Dabney Yerima added.

Yerima also said the intelligence department envisages boosting communication among all Ambazonia Restoration Forces and he furthered that soon and very soon French Cameroun leaders will realize that the solution to Yaounde’s security and economic problems is through negotiation with the people of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, and not through military deployment.

By Isong Asu in London