COVID-19 Outbreak: Interim Gov’t says Yaoundé backed CPDM gangs exploiting vulnerable Ambazonians 0

A Southern Cameroons CPDM gang sponsored by the French Cameroun regime is exploiting helpless Ambazonia Self Defense Forces during this difficult coronavirus pandemic period, Vice President Dabney Yerima has told Cameroon Concord News Group.

Dabney Yerima also said that the Ambazonia Interim Government is doing its best so far in managing to prevent a criminal infiltration of the Restoration Forces by the French Cameroun consortium of CPDM crime syndicates and organised crime networks.

However, Vice President Yerima’s warning comes amid growing reports Ambazonia Self Defense Forces were dropping their weapons and getting financial support from French Cameroun CPDM surrogates in Southern Cameroons. These fighters are reportedly struggling financially in the lockdown.

Exploiting the vulnerable Ambazonia fighters is a primitive and cheap tactics designed by Minister Paul Atanga Nji to help the Biya Francophone government recruit support and increase their power in the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

Yerima said: “Southern Cameroonians in the diaspora should invest in the Amba bonds and be ready to counter French Cameroun violence with violence.  By donating to self defense efforts and the Bank of Ambazonia Bonds Project, you are providing the Interim Government the resources to defend your homeland. We must stop these Southern Cameroons enablers from providing toxic food and blood money to those in need in the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.”

The exiled Ambazonian leader pointed out that “the French Cameroun government is a mafia group that has money, have no bureaucracy and operates far beyond its French Cameroun borders. The poor Southern Cameroons fighters are growing more vulnerable in this lockdown.”

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai