French Cameroun at long last internationalises the Southern Cameroons conflict 0

A combination of factors helped French Cameroun to prosecute the genocide of the Southern Cameroons with near absolute impunity over the past fifty-six years.  The complicit silence of the international community towards the policy of international criminality which conservative estimates place at hundreds of thousands of Southern Cameroonian lives slaughtered in cold blood, many more abducted and interned in military and para-military concentration camps in French Cameroons energized the impunity and cruelty with which these crimes were committed.

It did not matter to the United Nations and the international community that colonialism is an international crime against which the civilized world was called upon to prevent and penalize.  It did not matter to the United Nations and the International Community that there was no binding treaty of Union between French Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons.  It did not matter to them that the Geneva Conventions (1949) which French Cameroons acceded to in 1963 and its additional protocol which French Cameroon ratified in 1984 contained stiff penalties against the perpetration of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On the 2 December 2017, the diplomatic shield with which predatory neo-colonial economic power interests prevented the international community from acting to abate the culture of impunity and criminality against Southern Cameroons collapsed to the ground when the advanced aged senile French Cameroun despot formally declared war against the Southern Cameroons.  The declaration of war made from a prepared statement provided as a reason for his declaration of war an allegation that “Cameroun has been attacked repeatedly”. And thatit was due the alleged repeated attacks against his country, Cameroun that he ordered the high command of his army to go to war against the Southern Cameroons which he declared “terrorists” and “secessionists”.  He then ordered the extermination of Southern Cameroonians.

After a year of playing ostrich from his Geneva Criminal Command Centre, the senile despot finally confessed to his personal responsibility for the slaughter of Ambazonia armless civilians within the territory of Ambazonia by his military, administrative and political crime syndicate. These international crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity have claimed more than five hundred lives, maimed thousands and hundreds of thousands abducted, and others disappeared and unaccounted for.  The concomitant press statements made by French Cameroun’s Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defense and the Senior Divisional Officer for Manyuidentified the civilian populations of Manyu as the target of the genocidal military campaign. The deportation or forceful transfer or evacuation of the civilian population of Ambazonia in Manyuviolates  article 49 of the Geneva Convention IV (1949) and article 7 (1)(d) of the Rome Statute (July 2002) establishing the International Criminal Court for which Paul Biya and his criminal commanders, administrators and political subordinates must be held to account.

The declaration of war made by Paul Biya against Ambazonia and the criminal means by which the said war is prosecuted validates the complaints made by the Southern Cameroonians to the United Nations and the International Community over the past fifty-six yearsthat a reign of terror, genocide, crimes against humanity and looting of the economy was imposed in the Southern Cameroons.  The formal declaration of war targeting the people and territory of the Southern Cameroons by French Cameroun has the merit that it has at long last raised the profile of the Southern Cameroons conflict from  justa case of the actualization of the independence of the Southern Cameroons to include a case of French Cameroun posing a threat to the peace and security of the world, requiring the Security Council to trickle its Chapter VII authority to deal with the threat.  Since the declaration of war and violation of the Geneva Conventions by French Cameroun targets not only Ambazonia but ethnic nationalities on both side of the Ambazonia/ Nigeria border, Nigeria is called upon to legitimately intervene to prevent a human calamity targeting Ambazonia and its ethnic nationalities.

We of the Cameroon Concord News Group calls on the United Nations Security Council to urgently invoke its Charter VII authority and order French Cameroun to halt the ongoing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in the territory of the Southern Cameroons. Additionally, the United Nations Security Council should refer Paul Biya and his genocidal crime syndicate to the International Criminal Court for prosecution for the international crimes in the territory of the Southern Cameroons which they have publicly admitted committing with impunity. There is a life span for every living thing. That of French Cameroun and its crime syndicate Hitler Biya Bi Mvondo and his crime syndicate has come.

The President of the interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia has called on all Ambazonians to activate their right of self-defense to protect their families, their communities and the fatherland. Cameroon Concord News Group supports this legitimate right of self defence. Symbolically, French Cameroun has chosen Nsanakang to commence its genocidal war of aggression. That symbolizes the hole they have dug themselves into. This war of choice will teach crime syndicate of French Cameroun that no aggressor goes to Nsanakang to attack the people of Manyu and comes back the way he went.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai

Chairman and Editor-in-Chief