Southern Cameroonians express optimism at Independence Day celebration 0

A Special Edition Poll results released by Cameroon Concord News Group have revealed that a majority of Anglophone Cameroonians (98 percent) believe Southern Cameroon’s Independence is worth celebrating in spite of the extra judicial killings, arbitrary arrests and rapes including the economic recession that has rocked the territory. However, it should be noted that this is a vast increase from the 2006 value, indicating that the the union between West Cameroon and French Cameroun has failed.

More findings revealed that of those who believe Southern Cameroons’s Independence is worth celebrating (despite the militarisation of the territory by the French Cameroun government and challenges facing the young nation), a significant proportion (35 percent) stated that Independence Day is worth celebrating because it is Southern Cameroon’s day of independence and some (60 percent) also asserted that it marks the day Southern Cameroons was liberated from colonial rule and the correction of the 56 years injustice meted on Southern Cameroonians by Francophone political elites.

In addition, many Southern Cameroonians reported that they love being Southern Cameroonians mostly because of the Anglosaxon heritage where political leaders are held accountable. Furthermore, the poll results revealed that most Southern Cameroonians consider the the Southern Cameroons Governing Council as the legitimate body running the affairs of Southern Cameroons. Poll results show that 9 percent of Anglophones who do not think Southern Cameroon’s Independence is worth celebrating indicated that it is because people are suffering. These are some of the key findings from the Independence Day Poll conducted by the Cameroon Concord News Group in the week of September 26th 2017.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai with files from CCN and CIR