National Assembly: Minister Alamine Ousmane presents same CPDM old stories 0

CPDM business has commenced at the National Assembly with Cabinet Ministers defending their budgetary allocations in the Committee on Finance and Budget of the House. The Minister of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey, set the ball rolling on November 23, 2016. It was a long night starting with the presentation of the Report on the Nation’s Economic, Social and Financial Situation and Outlook for the 2016 financial year.

Minister Alamine Ousmane Mey, proceeded with the defence of draft budgetary allocations for 18 sovereign institutions like the Presidency of the Republic, Services attached to the Presidency of the Republic, National Assembly, Prime Minister’s Office, Economic and Social Council. The exercise culminated with the Ministry of Finance, whose budgetary allocation is estimated at FCFA 52 billion in 2017 up from FCFA 46.2 billion in 2016.

The Report on the Nation’s Economic, Social and Financial Situation and Outlook notes that the achievement rate of internal budgetary revenues stood at 68.9 per cent by the end of the first nine months of the 2016 budgetary year. Resources mobilized stood at FCFA 2,373.1 billion. Domestic budgetary revenue amounted to FCFA 2,056.3 billion while cumulative budgetary expenditure amounted to FCFA 2,418.41 billion with a 2.4 per cent increase.

Cameroon’s economy remains resilient, with growth strengthened around 6 per cent, holds the macroeconomic and budgetary projections. Growth slowed slightly to 5.3 per cent in 2016 as against 5.8 per cent in 2015 with fingers pointing at the drop in oil production. Growth however, continues to be driven by the non-oil sector with value added projected at 5.7 percent. The strong increase in gas production is expected to fit the holes of the decline in oil production. The inflation rate, the Minister indicated, is not expected to exceed the threshold of 3 percent. He stated that the terms of trade could become favorable again in 2017 after several years of hardship.

Culled from Cameroon Tribune