Ambazonia Interim Government: No option but armed Amba fighters to fight off Yaoundé aggression 0

There is no option left for the people of Southern Cameroons but armed Amba fighters to fight off the genocide campaign the French Cameroun regime in Yaoundé is exercising in the Ambazonia homeland, says Vice President Dabney Yerima.

The Southern Cameroons struggle has its roots in strong historic facts and faith and Southern Cameroons young men and women are now willing to make sacrifices for the complete liberation of their homeland.  The struggle will emerge triumphant,” Dabney Yerima said on Monday during a zoom meeting with some Ground Zero commanders.

The exiled Southern Cameroons leader said British Southern Cameroons will be independent through sacrifices and that soon and very soon, the world will eventually witness an independent Federal Republic of Ambazonia with the French Cameroun regime wiped off its face.

The Ambazonia Interim Government official said the recent surprise Amba operation in Buea exposed the frailty and weakness of the Biya French Cameroun regime, and drove it closer to downfall.

After more than six years, the people of Southern Cameroons are still steadfast and fighting to inflict painful losses upon the French Cameroun enemy’s ranks,” Dabney Yerima stated.

By Chi Prudence Asong