Ambazonia Interim Gov’t says Yaoundé will fail to restore its lost power 0

The Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government has expressed deep concern over the latest onslaught on Southern Cameroons villages, calling on the international community to take immediate action to stop the occupying French Cameroun regime’s reckless crimes.

Dabney Yerima made the remarks on Monday, as he strongly condemned the barbaric raid on villages in Manyu Division particularly those along the Mamfe-Bamenda road.

The exiled leader went on to say the continuous attacks of the Francophone dominated military on different areas in Southern Cameroons will fail to restore Yaounde’s lost power.

Vice President Dabney Yerima emphasized on the Ambazonian nation’s legitimate right to self-defense in the face of the French Cameroun forces acts of aggression.

Yerima added that not only Southern Cameroonians but also prominent French Cameroun political elites no longer believe in the United Republic of Cameroon project.

He also noted that such terrorist actions are vain attempts by the Biya Francophone regime aimed at consolidating its hallucination of power.

By Chi Prudence Asong