Anglophone journalist Kingsley Njoka jailed with dangerous criminals 0

Authorities in Yaoundé have transferred journalist Kingsley Fomunyuy Njoka to the ward housing dangerous criminals in the Kondengui Maximum Security Prison in Yaoundé, Cameroon Intelligence Report has learned.

The transfer took place recently after he was again questioned about his journalism covering the conflicts in Southern Cameroons.

Plainclothes security agents abducted journalist Kingsley Fomunyuy Njoka in May 2020. He is being held in pretrial detention in Kondengui.

Njoka formerly worked as a correspondent for “Tough Talk,” a current affairs show on local broadcaster Canal 2 English, at a Catholic biweekly magazine, L’Effort Camerounais, and the Catholic-owned printing house Macacos, according to his lawyer Amungwa Tanyi and Canal 2 English host Divine Nyaryike, both of whom spoke to CPJ via messaging app.

Njoka is also a member of the Cameroon Association of English-Speaking Journalists.

By Ewang Miriam Metchane