Biya and Swiss Diabolic Harsh Ploy To Stifle The Ambazonia Resistance 0

It has now been revealed that the Swiss initiative in resolving the crisis in Southern Cameroons was a scam. However, the Ambazonia Interim Government and its Vice President Dabney Yerima are yet to establish if the Swiss government was involved in the dodgy process of getting some corrupt Ambazonian leaders in the US to travel to Switzerland for a so-called preparatory peace conference.

Switzerland reportedly appointed itself as a facilitator indicating that there are elements deep within the Swiss government having leverage over French Cameroun. As a facilitator, the Swiss were expected to build some kind of confidence with the people of Southern Cameroons.

Our chief political man observed that the first and obvious confidence measure the Swiss should have built would have been to procure the release of the Ambazonia leader, President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe et al to lead whatever the Swiss say they have offered to facilitate.

It is important to mention here that President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and what is now being referred to as the Nera 10 were abducted from a foreign country and are being illegally held in captivity in the French Cameroun capital, Yaoundé.

The shouting silence on the part of the Swiss including the European Union about their continued illegal imprisonment is tantamount to rewarding Biya and his criminal regime for their unlawful conduct.  Vice President Dabney Yerima who made the trip to Geneva but did not take part in the deliberations after very intensive and productive discussions with members of the Ambazonia Interim Government hinted Cameroon Concord News Group’s London Bureau Chief Asu Isong that calling off the unjust and illegal war and release of the Nera 10 must precede any engagement with whoever.

These are not preconditions. They are a call for French Cameroun to respect international law. How does one engage with a country that has graduated from a police state to a terrorist state?”  Vice President Yerima was quoted as saying during a recent trip to London.

We now have intelligence that the Swiss peace initiative was a diabolic harsh ploy pushed by interest groups with strong ties to the consortium of CPDM criminal syndicates in Yaounde. Three Swiss Traders control 50% of the sale of Cameroonian oil.

The Glencore trader owns 70% of the Rio Del Rey oil in Southern Cameroons-Ambazonia, an area bordering the Bakassi peninsula, exploitable for 20 years. Contract signed in January 2019. This Glencore has just sold its shares, 75% he held in Matanda gas.

Furthermore, we gathered that Swiss chocolate which is one of the symbols of Switzerland which holds the first place in the world ranking for chocolate consumption ahead of Germany and the United Kingdom with an average annual consumption of 11.9 kilograms per capita in 2011 was also part of this failed Southern Cameroons peace process. French Cameroun President Paul Biya received the Swiss chocolate industry boss a few weeks ago in Yaounde.

By Sama Ernest and Rita Akana