Biya regime says security forces rescue 11 hostages from Amba fighters 0

Yaoundé says at least 11 hostages held by Ambazonia fighters in the North West have been rescued by the Francophone dominated security forces in Bui Division.

Menyong Gilbert Sunday, prefect of the Bui, said troops conducted an operation overnight into Wednesday, leading the rescue of 10 men and one woman who were held hostage in “an Ambazonia camp” in Kikaikom locality of the division.

The Francophone civil administrator who some reports have suggested is vying to be a Governor in a statement congratulated the security forces on their “bravery and professionalism” and urged the population to continue to collaborate with officials and troops in a bid to consolidate peace and stability in the division where separatist fighters regularly operate.

At least 6,000 people have died in fighting, according to the International Crisis Group. The U.N. estimates that over 700,000 people have been displaced. Both sides have been accused of abuses by human rights groups.

Ambazonia restorations have enforced a boycott on schools, depriving 600,000 children of their education.

In 2019, the U.S. suspended Cameroon from its flagship trade initiative with Africa, AGOA, which gave it tariff-free access to the U.S. market, citing alleged human rights violations by Cameroonian security forces.

Two of the largest state-owned companies which produce crude, palm oil, banana and rubber have almost ground to a halt. Cocoa and coffee production has also been hit.

By Isong Asu with files from Nelly Epupa