Cameroon HIV-positive ambassador to Italy is facing more sex-related scandals 0

An authoritative Italian newspaper has accused the Cameroonian ambassador to Italy of distributing HIV/ AIDS in Rome. Dominique Awono Essama is accused by the newspaper “Libero” of distributing AIDS to women in the Italian capital and even beyond.

The article by journalist Azzurra Barbutto captioned, “L’ambasciatore è un untore di aids? A documento is an investigative report with facsimile of documents that points an accusing finger at the Biya Francophone Beti-Ewondo representative of Cameroon in Rome. The soul-searching report also revealed that Ambassador Dominique Awono Essama has had several unprotected sex with many women in the Italian capital.

Libero newspaper also hinted that they have seek and gotten the ambassador’s medical records from his GP is Rome and the Cameroonian authorities in Yaoundé have been informed of the behavior of the Cameroonian ambassador to Italy.

Yaoundé has not reacted to this very disturbing situation. The Italian paper has promised to publish the list of the some of the many mistresses of the so-called ambassador. Dominique Awono Essama has been working in Italy since 2008.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai