Far North Region: Francophone dominated army kills 4 Boko Haram militants 0

At least four militants of Boko Haram were killed when they launched a coordinated attack on a military outpost in Cameroon’s Far North region, military sources said on Friday.

Some of the weapons used by the terror group were also seized during the attack that took place overnight into Friday in Hile Alifa, a locality in Logone and Chari division of the region.

There were more than 50 of the terrorists. They ambushed and attacked the outpost. Our brave soldiers repelled the attack killing four on the spot and several others escaped with bullet wounds,” a senior military officer who asked not to be named said.

There have been no reports on casualties on the side of government forces.

More than 2,000 people have been killed since Boko Haram launched attacks in the Far North since 2014, according to security reports.

Source: Xinhuanet