Federal Republic of Ambazonia: President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe’s speech designed for reconciliation 0

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024, to the Valiant people of Ambazonia

The feel of the Season is once more upon us. The glory of the Lord has manifested itself one more time, through another year. Twelve months have blown past us and it feels like yesterday. It is difficult for me to say this, especially given where we were this time last year. The circumstances we find ourselves may be trying and tempting but we remain hopeful.

When so many around us are burdened with fear and uncertainty, I invite you to make room for the brothers & sisters who now are struggling to understand the ultimate reason for our fight, for the liberation and independence of our people. No gifts will mean as much as acts of pure love that you offer to the rejected, the worn down and the weary. Please notice and take care of the needy of the struggle.

We have watched the days turn into weeks, months, and years. It is understandable for some to count these years as lost time and lost opportunities. But we have chosen to quantify and qualify these days, weeks, months, and years in terms of our determination and commitment to our cause of freedom and liberty. We are on a quest for the unique feeling of belonging to a homeland wherein all are valued and dear ones can strive to bring out the best in themselves. This is the feeling of ultimate happiness that only the certainty of our fatherland can produce. We are fighting to give our children and theirs a nation that they can call their own; something which none of us now can say within LRC.

As we look forward to spending the sixth and seventh Christmas in the pursuit of this unique endeavor, we should take time to contemplate not only on the purpose but also on the course of our journey. For our purpose, I can assure you that it has never been clearer and brighter. For the course, we remain steadier, sturdier and more resolute than ever.

Now, to each member of our fight for freedom I say: Stay on the covenant path. Whether you are moving along the path or have slipped from it or you can’t see the path from where you are, I plead with you to remain steadfast. Your commitment to doing what is right, by making covenants with our people and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing available to the people of Ambazonia.

Amid the internal division, sibling-rivalry, confusion, power-tussle and contradictions, we need to work tirelessly and ceaselessly to build bridges of understanding rather than creating walls of further division and internal conflict. More than ever before, we need unity of purpose. I plead with us all to work together for peace, for mutual respect and for an outpouring of love for all of Ambazonia’s children.

With this joyful hope and an abundant spirit of gratitude, I join hands with our mothers & fathers, all Prisoners of Conscience & War, and all Ambazonians to wish you the best in this very festive season, full of cheer and blessing. In this same spirit, I pledge and recommit myself to you, to the fight for Homeland and for the freedom and liberation of Ambazonia. With this spirit and in this spirit, I extend my appreciation & gratitude for all what you have been doing, for all that you have done and for what you will continue to do and be for the people of Ambazonia. The foot-of-the-mountain (Buea) beacons at the near horizon.

Sisiku AyukTabe

Kondengui Principal Prison, Yaoundé.