La Republique: Inspector General at the Ministry of Finance owns a Qatari-type castle 0

The images of a castle reportedly belonging to Antoine Félix Samba, former Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance has ignited the web. It was an amateur photographer who captured the images of the house owned by Antoine Félix Samba currently serving as Inspector General in the same Ministry.

It is a residence made up of successive duplexes surmounted by dome roof and connected by suspended footbridges. Work has not even finished as there seem to be an extension as indicated in one of the videos posted. The whole house is bathed in an ostentatious luxury, with a recurrence of marble, gilding, precious wood, staff, glazing and wrought iron. The owner of the house has a taste for decoration, with a canvas depicting the Last Supper, where Jesus and his apostles took the last meal before the passion of Christ.

The owner also loves of art.  A Bamileke mask is recognizable among many others, lions and goddesses are frozen in the marble of eternity in this environment that transpires the splendor. On one of the photos posted there is a swimming pool, the ultimate embellishment of a house that has nothing to envy the castles of Qatar emirs presented in documentaries dedicated to billionaires.

The estate built by Italian entrepreneurs, it is said to be located in the Nkolondom district in Yaoundé, on the flank of one of the seven hills of Yaoundé. The public now say Mr. Samba got the money as a result  of bad governance, unfair distribution of wealth, laxity of our leaders and an irresponsible Cameroonian population.