Martinez Zogo-Amougou Belinga Affair: Are interrogations going wrong? 0

Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga was on Wednesday August 9, 2023 auditioned at the Yaoundé Military Court. The process which began in the early hours lasted till 5:00pm when Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga was taken back to his new home inside the Kondengui Maximum Security Prison.

This came barely days after Reporters Without Borders published new revelations on the Martinez Zogo case – one indicting Amougou as master of the show.

While at the Yaoundé Military Court, Magistrate Aimeé Florence Sikati tried bringing out the truth from Belinga surrounding the kidnapping, torture and murder of Martinez Zogo.

Several other persons were also questioned including Zogo’s wife and some journalists.

Meantime, Zogo’s family has expressed dissatisfaction with the way the case is being handled.

“We are unsatisfied with the way the case is being handled. It is completely slow and we are not in contact with the Judge. We don’t also have any information on how the case is going. What we have noted is that some elements in the case file have disappeared. How come? Do they want to kill the case as they normally do? It hurts a lot. We want that the case accelerates and justice be served to our brother. Those incriminated should be heavily punished for the gruesome killing of Martinez,” Zogo’s sister, Nadege Essala Mbani said firmly.

It should be recalled, it was on March 14, 2023 that Amougou Belinga and others, suspected of orchestrating and executing Martinez Zogo were kept in temporary detention and no verdict has been passed till date.

Culled from Cameroon News Agency with additional editing