Paris: Cameroon Colonel fighting to dodge rape charges 0

According to French publications, Law Enforcement News and the Parisien, a Cameroonian colonel has claimed diplomatic immunity in Paris, France after being accused of raping his daughter while in the country on military orders. This colonel is reportedly the assistant defense attaché to Paris from Cameroon.

On May 26th, 2024, the stepmother of the 16-year-old victim called police after the child complained of vaginal pain and after she admitted her father had raped her, this incident being the third time.

On May 27th, 2024, the Paris Prosecutor’s Office called the suspect, who immediately claimed diplomatic immunity. Over the past week, the French Foreign Ministry has been in contact with the Cameroonian Foreign Ministry and is reportedly in talks to remove the colonel’s diplomatic immunity so the Paris Prosecutor’s Office can act.

The child was placed in a temporary home, but immediately ran away, her current whereabouts are unknown, and the Cameroonian embassy has not released a statement.

France has, perhaps, the strongest European relations with Cameroon and was the first nation to recognize sovereignty in 1960.

Source: Atlas News