President Macron implicated in genocide against Ambazonians through military relationship with Biya 0

The long and historic military relationship between France and La Republique du Cameroun, including providing training and logistics is playing a key role in the killings in English speaking Cameroon.

Several senior army officials in the French Cameroun military have been trained in France, and the CEMAC French speaking countries regularly carry out military exercises under the direct supervision of French army generals.

Since independence, France has been running a multi-million-dollar military project in Francophone Africa particularly in Sub Saharan region which today includes the creation of Boko Haram. The French government ignores crimes committed by French backed regimes in Cameroon, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea against its citizens and it is regularly shifting all the blame on ordinary citizens and resistance groups.

Southern Cameroons’ natural resources have been entirely for the benefit of France and its surrogates in La Republique du Cameroun. French Cameroun’s 60-year colonial occupation, oppression and repression has been experienced by the people of the Southern Cameroons as far worse than anything ever experienced under British colonial rule.

Before exiting the Southern Cameroons on 1 October 1961, Britain transferred powers to Republique du Cameroun rather than to the Southern Cameroons as ought to have been the case and as required under international law. This British self-confessed transfer resulted in the recolonization, rather than the decolonization, of the Southern Cameroons. Spain may have borrowed a leaf from Britain’s bad and illegal conduct when in 1975 it transferred administration of the Western Sahara to both Morocco and Mauritania and hurriedly left the territory. On 14 November 1975 there was concluded a Declaration of Principles on Western Sahara between Spain, Morocco and Mauritania, whereby the powers and responsibilities of Spain, as the administering Power of the Territory, were transferred to a temporary tripartite administration.

By Chi Prudence Asong with Concord files