Reboot Conference: The Ambazonia Recognition and Collaborative Council or the Stilbirth of Another Consortium by Another Name 0

Cameroon Concord News Group accurately predicted that the ploy by power seeking individuals to delegitimize the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia and to derail the Southern Cameroons revolution in a retreat held at Catholic University of America pompously called the reboot conference was bound to fail miserably and it did. The timid and incoherent final communique and a “memorandum of understanding” signed by Cho Ayaba, Edwin Ngang, Boh Hebert, Jacob Mbah, Ebenezar Akwnga, and one Frida Mambo creating an amorphous structure called Ambazonia Recognition Collaborative Council (ARCC) attests to this fact. John Mbah Akuro a key organizer did not attend and did not sign the memorandum of understanding.

Apart from replicating past statements made by Southern Cameroonians/ Ambazonians individually and collectively over the past fifty-seven years directed at the UN and the international community; the final communique provided an opportunity for some members of the constituent collaborative council who were probably complicit and rejoiced at the abduction of the President and members of the Interim Government to shed crocodile tears through the amorphous outfit.  The outfit failed to read the public mode calling for unity of Ambazonians strongly articulated by the Acting President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Dr Samuel Ikome Sako in his maiden address. They failed to acknowledge that call for unity, therefore ignored the wishes and aspirations of an overwhelming majority of Ambazonians  On an anniversary of the public humiliation of Ambazonia so-called “youth day” the reboot conference played the ostrich by hiding behind sentimental statements aimed at an unspecified future while the ongoing genocide requires a strong response by a united one and indivisible Federal Republic of Ambazonia. The constituent movements in the so-called collaborative council some with no recognizable following within the territory of Ambazonia and even in the Diaspora, came out clearly stating that the Ambazonia quest for freedom can only be attained through a “political solution”.  This position which was made by the Consortium and the Interim Government was strenuously rejected by French Cameroun. The policy statement is at variance with statements made by Cho Ayaba during the same reboot conference claiming responsibility for the daring attacks in Batibo against the symbol of colonial power in Ambazonia.  He did not do that under or within the collaborative structure he with others just created, nor did the structure issue a statement of support of the actions of a constituent member organization. This underscores problems for the functioning of this structure.  All the remaining members of the collaborative council except Akwanga do not endorse the armed option, even when deployed in self defense. What justifies the membership of Ayaba and probably Akwanga in this structure?  

Cameroon Concord News for emphasis  reminds Cho Ayaba and the Ambazonia Collaborative Council that their policy statement underpinning the commitment of this structure  to  a  so-called “political” solution which has been rejected by French Cameroun which opted instead for a war and genocide  that is exterminating  thousands of Ambazonians and wiping out civilian settlements in the Federal Republic of Ambazonia from the surface of the earth, makes him an unreliable leader on which Ambazonians can rely on for their freedom.   Cho Ayaba should publicly renounce his membership of that treacherous platform to regain the hope which some Ambazonians placed in him.

In the past, he explained his opposition to the Interim Government alleging that the Interim Government did not come out with a clear statement supporting the military option for the self defense of our Ambazonia homeland.  By signing on to a “political” solution, by implication renouncing the military self defense option at a time that the genocide has intensified, and the Interim Government has finally embraced the self-defense option which he insistently craved for, his motives in opposing the Interim Government can now be called into question. He does not need to explain himself anymore. His actions speak for themselves. By joining a platform that clearly disavows what he used to justify his past actions and conduct, he has legitimized the fears of many who had serious doubts and strong reservations about his leadership and the veracity of some of the claims he made attributing the self-defense efforts of the Ambazonia Tigers and other groups aimed at protecting their communities to himself.

As for the rest of the members of the consultative council, Cameroon Concord News Group has stated previously that their appetite for power and money has sidelined them from public trust and popular support over the years. The consultative council itself appears to be one of several creative names attributed by Edwin Ngang to one of several failed structures he created over the years.  If Jacob Mbah and Edwin Ngang could not faithfully work as representatives of Ambazonia under Fon Dinka, how will anyone expect them to faithfully work under this amorphous structure?  From an ideological perspective, members of this structure are worlds apart.

The amorphous structure will not deter the constituent members from attempting to solicit funds supposedly to prosecute a war of self-defense which the platform does not clearly support.  Some of the constituent members have not presented an account of the funds they solicited and obtained through moribund structures for that purpose and with the same objectives. How this amorphous structure will ever be held accountable for anything remains a mystery. It is a stillborn. It is dead on arrival. Let no reasonable person live under the elusion that it can provide solutions to the Ambazonia crisis. The avenues for Ambazonia freedom movements to collaborate in intelligence, resources and diplomatic sharing have always existed and should be encouraged. But was a reboot conference required for this purpose?  Are the constituent organizations informing Ambazonians that they were operating in anarchy and a free for all?  That cannot simply be true considering the general mobilizations that presented our people at home and in the Diaspora as united in purpose about the total liberation of our land. It is that unity of purpose that has united our people to enforce ghost towns and massive protests on a world-wide scale. It is that unity of purpose and collaboration that has mobilized and motivated our social media communicators like Mark Barata, Ivo Tapong , Akoson Pauline and our vibrant Ambazonia Press to bring the messages of liberation to every Ambazonian on the face of the world and the international community. It is that collaboration that has exposed and brought the gas bag Issa Tchiroma, CRTV and French Cameroun genocide media to their knees. It is the sensitivity to this collaboration that has informed the call made by the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonians to all Ambazonia freedom movements to unite with the Interim Government to make the final push for the liberation of our leaders and citizens in captivity and our total freedom.  There was no need for a reboot conference with all the divisive and acrimonious rhetoric made by its organizers.

With the reboot sideshow over, Ambazonians at home and abroad should harken to the urgent call of the Acting President and the Interim Government to contribute towards our self-defense efforts against this colonial war of aggression. The Acting President made an urgent plea for unity. The Ambazonia Collaborative   Council should demonstrate their commitment to the Ambazonia cause by making a commitment to unity made by the Acting President. No action aimed at unity towards the self-defense and freedom of our leaders, our people and our homeland the Federal Republic of Ambazonia can be construed as weakness. Making a bold commitment towards unity as the Interim President did is an attribute of bold leadership and strength.  In the form it is presented, the collaborative council is an illusion and lacks strong wings on which our destiny can sail on.

The Interim Government of Ambazonia is widely recognized by the international community at large. If the Interim Government did not pose a serious threat to French Cameroun and French neo-colonial economic interests, there would have been no international conspiracy to abduct our leaders through cowardly criminal means. The proof of the legitimacy and successes attained by our Interim Government is discernible from the fact that  France, a super power and member state of NATO and European Union,  Nigeria , the most populous African Country and  continental economic and military power, and French Cameroun a French puppet neo-colony, resorted to multiple levels of complicity, complex  webs of corruption and criminality to abduct our President and members of the Interim government in  violation of multilateral treaties and international law. This shows how close the Interim Government of Ambazonia was to obtaining the recognition of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia by a number of sovereign states and obviously the international community.

Despite this coordinated act of brigandage and international criminality, the Interim Government is undaunted. The Secretary for Communication Hon. Chris Anu flew to Nigeria and organized world press conferences to deny our adversaries the legitimacy they sought to justify their criminal conduct and the fear they hoped to instill in us through their crime.  After weeks of silence hoping that the crime and its impact would fade away, Mohammed Babagana Mungano the corrupt superintendent of the criminal enterprise came out defending his actions and that of the crime syndicate in the Nigerian government that was responsible for the abductions in complicity with France and French Cameroun. His outing hoping to counter Chris Anu and the Interim Government effort aimed at sanitizing the crime and the huge sums obtained through corruption. This sensitization of Nigerian and world attention towards this criminal conduct backfired. It is unprecedented in constitutional governance which Nigeria is, for a national defense adviser to appropriate the powers of the Inspector General of Police, Comptroller of immigration, Attorney-General of the Federation, Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs by overseeing a corrupt secretive criminal cartel at the center of state power to conduct criminal foreign operations with embarrassing consequences for the Federal Government. The attempt by Mohammed Mungano to explain and justify his actions publicly by making commitments of a legal, security and diplomatic nature with a foreign sovereign is treasonable and portrayed the Nigerian government and members it’s defense, judicial, intelligence and security services in very bad light.

Cameroon Concord News Group is satisfied that the Interim Government is taking verifiable and credible steps towards uniting Ambazonia freedom movements and the people of Ambazonia at home and abroad around our common objective of freeing our leaders and people held in captivity and a vacation of our territory by the terrorist occupying forces forthwith. Cameroon Concord News is satisfied that the commitment of the Interim Government towards the self-defense of the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, the intensification of diplomatic efforts aimed at the recognition of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia by the United Nations, the African Union, ECOWAS and all international organizations makes the Interim Government the most credible platform that all Ambazonians must unite around to attain these objectives.

Cameroon Concord News Group commends the Interim Government’s statement that the betrayal of our leaders is under investigations and that it is committed to all guarantees of fair process under international law and Ambazonia laws. These include presumption of innocence. Ambazonians should give this process its recognition and turn our attention towards contributing for our self defense objectives, assistance to our refugees, our internally displaced, our abductees in French Cameroun captivity, our wounded and maimed and our diplomatic efforts.

Ambazonians world-wide  must  be persistent in the organization of  demonstrations to alert the conscience of humanity towards  the genocide in Ambazonia and our irreversible quest for freedom and recognition  at the United Nations in New York, Geneva, European Union offices in Brussels, African Union Offices in Addis Ababa, African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Arusha Tanzania, The African Commission  on human and peoples’ rights in Banjul, Nigerian, French Cameroun, British and French Diplomatic Missions worldwide. We must file more complaints against Nigerian and French Cameroun individuals involved in these crimes at the ICC, in countries that have universal jurisdiction over international crimes like terrorism, abductions, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, like the United States, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Belgium.

Ambazonians must make sure that all the people involved in these crimes should never know peace in and out of power in their countries and that their countries are held accountable for the crimes committed against Ambazonia.  Cameroon Concord News totally endorses the Ultimatum of the Interim Government of Ambazonia to French Cameroun to produce our Interim President and members of the Interim Government alive and urges the Interim Government to extend the ultimatum to release of all captives and a vacation of the territory of Ambazonia.

To this I put my name

Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai