Soon and very soon Biya will be gone as victory belongs to Ambazonians 0

The Vice President of the Southern Cameroons Interim Government (IG) has said that French Cameroun will be gone soon and very soon and the Federal Republic of Ambazonia will be victorious in the final battle to liberate the Southern Cameroons homeland.

La Republique and its consortium of criminal gangs headed by Mr Paul Biya are collapsing day-by-day,” Vice President Dabney Yerima added in a Monday meeting with members of the IG amid Yaounde’s raids on Southern Cameroons villages.

Yerima hailed the recent ghost town operation that shutdown the entire Southern Cameroons territory, saying that the people of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia are moving ahead on the right path toward getting to Buea.

Dabney Yerima emphasized that the IG stands by the oppressed Ambazonia people in Ground Zero and would continue its support for all Amba fighters and restoration forces.

He also encouraged Southern Cameroons Self Defense Forces to resist with all their might, saying the Amba fighters who were deceived by the so-called disarmament commission are languishing in abject poverty and suffering in Francophone controlled detention centers.

More than 4000 Southern Cameroonians have been killed and thousands displaced as the Biya Francophone regime presses ahead with its military campaign against separatist forces.

By Isong Asu