Southern Cameroons Back-To- School: 2 head teachers killed in Boyo 0

Two teachers were killed by a group of Ambazonia Restoration Forces in Boyo Division, Biya regime said Sunday. The victims were two male teachers in their 40s.

The Francophone dominated police have still not disclose how the head teachers were killed. A motive hasn’t been established.

But fingers are pointing to Southern Cameroons Self Defense Groups that are strongly against the reopening of schools.

For now it is far too early to comment on that,” a police officer in Boyo contacted by Cameroon Concord News said.

Our correspondent in Bamenda, citing administrative sources, said the Amba fighters were heavily armed with AK 47s.

The two head teachers Eric Foinjang and Ndim John Boudji reportedly attended a back-to-school meeting on Saturday in Kom and were targeted by Ambazonia fighters operating in the Ijim Mountain.

By Fon Lawrence