Southern Cameroons Crisis: 5 Cameroonian soldiers killed in Manyu Division 0

Five Cameroonian soldiers were killed in an attack by Ambazonia fighters on Friday in Eyumock Sub Division in Manyu Southwest, according to security sources.

The Ambazonia fighters ambushed and attacked National Gendarmerie soldiers patrolling the locality of Eyumojock in the region, a senior security officer in the region to Cameroon Concord News.

Among those killed was the commander of the Francophone dominated gendarmerie brigade, and the Ambazonia fighters seized their weapons, the officer added.

Southern Cameroons leaders claimed responsibility for the attack on social media, saying that eight soldiers were killed during the raid.

Since 2017, government forces have been in conflict with separatist fighters in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions of Northwest and Southwest, where the separatists seek to establish a breakaway state.

By Kingsley Betek with files