Southern Cameroons Crisis: Amba releases photos of newly bombed military vehicle 0

A Southern Cameroons restoration group known as team Retinant of Alou in Lebialem Division in the South West region has displayed photos of a French made military vehicle the group destroyed from Cameroon government soldiers.

According to statements made by the group in some of the videos, the vehicle was destroyed by a bomb planted by the Ambazonia fighters in Alou. The group also claimed to have killed many soldiers.

In the past weeks, Cameroon government army soldiers have been targeted by the Amba fighters all over Ground Zero.

Hundreds of soldiers and officers have been reportedly killed ever since the crisis started six years ago.

Yaoundé has maintained a kind of silence of the lamb following the publication of the Alou video.

Cameroon Concord News gathered that the soldiers killed in Alou were on patrol to clear some Ambazonia elements in the area following credible intelligence when they were ambushed by the group on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

By Rita Akana