Southern Cameroons Crisis:  Funeral held for 5 divisional delegates killed in Ndian 0

Cameroon held a funeral in Limbe for the five divisional delegates killed by gunmen in June 2021 in Ndian Division. Mourners paid their respects to the five victims at the Centenary Stadium.

The sight of their coffins, dotted with flowers and lined in front of mourners, drew tears from family members, locals and officials.

No one has claimed responsibility for the killings but authorities say the five were murdered by members of a Southern Cameroons Self Defense group known as Expendables 100.

Last year, a source at the SDO’s office in Mundemba hinted Cameroon Intelligence Report that it suspected the attackers had links to the Atanga Nji Boys, an offshoot of the Cameroon government military which is waging a war against Ambazonia fighters.

Some family members accused Cameroon government authorities of making empty promises to find the killers.

Yaoundé maintains that a former fighter who witnessed the gruesome murder took the military to the unmarked grave.

By Rita Akana in Limbe