Summary execution on-going in Southern Cameroons 0

Cameroon government troops have been accused of killing civilians in Boyo Division in the North West region raising fresh concerns about the conduct of the Francophone dominated military in the battle against Ambazonia Restoration Forces.

In an operation in Mejang, a village some few kilometers from Mbingo in Belo Subdivision in the North West on Tuesday July 4, 2023, government soldiers reportedly killed several women including the Queen Mother.

Members of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, Cameroon’s elite force also killed two Southern Cameroonians in Kombone Bakundu, a locality in Mbonge Subdivision, South West Region.

The incidents have undermined repeated claims in Yaoundé of calm in English speaking Cameroon.

In Weh, in Menchum Division, 5 young men who were detained by the local gendarmerie deployed to the area from Wum were found dead with bullet wounds, a source inside the SDO’s Office in Wum told Cameroon Intelligence Report.

Locals in Wum area are of the opinion that the young men were killed because all of them were from a group resisting Fulani herdsmen backed by corrupt CPDM business tycoon Baba Danpullo.

Our source in Wum who sued for anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, revealed that all the bodies had gunshot wounds on them.

The latest Southern Cameroons deaths have been described by the Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government Dabney Yerima as cold-blooded murder.

Neither the military in Bamenda, the chief city in the North West region or Kumba in the South West, responded to Cameroon Intelligence Report when asked for comment.  

By Asu Isong with files from Fon Lawrence and Rita Akana