Ambazonia travel ban means era of Biya-Francophone dominance is over 0

The travel ban imposed by Southern Cameroons Self Defense Forces in Ground Zero will certainly have a lasting impact on the Cameroonian economy. The flow on effects of the travel ban on buses and commercial vehicles from the entire Southern Cameroons will definitely become a nationwide issue.

90-year-old President Biya and his Beti-Bulu gang needs to look at other ways to speed up a political process that will keep the two Cameroons together again!

Southern Cameroons small businesses as well as big businesses will continue to suffer because of the travel ban but the Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government Comrade Dabney Yerima says the travel ban is an indication that the era of Francophone dominance over the Federal Republic of Ambazonia is over.

Speaking exclusively to Cameroon Concord News on Tuesday, Vice President Dabney Yerima said “Despite massive military deployments to Southern Cameroons by La Republique all geared towards imposing their interests and values on British Southern Cameroonians, the people of Southern Cameroons are resisting and they will do so till the last man or woman standing.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said that the leader of the Ambazonian nation, President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe long ago designed a plan that will rebuild Southern Cameroons political and economic institutions including agriculture, industry and medicine.

Vice President Dabney Yerima also hailed the travel ban policy that restoration forces are adopting in Ground Zero and called on the Southern Cameroons diaspora to wake up and rejoin the Ambazonia revolution train.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai