Buea prison conditions “Horrific”! Barrister Agbor Balla won’t talk 0

Southern Cameroons detainees have described the prison in Buea, as a horrific slaughterhouse.

The prison in Buea has over 1000 Anglophone prisoners and the worse conditions of detention and imprisonment.

It is sad that Barrister Agbor Bala the so-called human rights champion speaks of everything in Anglophone Cameroon except the Buea prison where inmates have barely some few hours of clean air” a Southern Cameroons detainee told our Buea correspondent.

Cameroon Intelligence Report understands the Buea prison opens at 11am and shuts at 4pm while every other detention facility in Francophone Cameroun opens 7am and closes at 6.45pm.

The only viable solution is to promptly shutter the Buea prison and relocate the inmates to a more appropriate detention facility in the South West region,” a Roman Catholic cleric contacted by CIR said.

The priest who sued for anonymity furthered that the Buea prison facility is overcrowded, unsanitary, dangerous and lacking basic amenities. The toilets and bathrooms are combined in the same small space.

The prison is home to a variety of Southern Cameroons inmates, including dangerous criminals from Yaoundé and Douala a mix that creates a volatile environment that is prone to violence.

Throughout their incarceration, Southern Cameroons detainees have endured a host of medical issues, including malaria and typhoid fever.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai