Exiled Southern Cameroons leader hails Amba fighters 0

With the appointment of General Bouba Dobékréo and the deployment of Cameroon government’s Special Forces, Yaoundé has finally informed the international community that it has miserably failed in its devastating war against British Southern Cameroonians, said the exiled leader of the Ambazonia Interim Government Vice President Dabney Yerima.

Our so-called French speaking brothers, through scores of military deployments and operations, arbitrary arrests and detentions, rape, murder and arrogance, want to weaken and force the Ambazonian nation to surrender. For five years, they have been trying to sap Ambazonia morale and create a sense of despair and complete defeat among the people of Southern Cameroons,” Dabney Yerima said in an interview with Cameroon Intelligence Report.

Dabney Yerima added, “Now that the Southern Cameroons comedy in Maryland USA has finally come to an end, with the support of the diaspora, the Ambazonia Interim Government will boost Ground Zero willpower, seriousness, and sense of responsibility and the French Cameroun enemy will get more frustrated, Yaoundé will feel heavily feeble, and will be eventually left with no option but to admit defeat and leave our homeland.”

Yerima highlighted that the Federal Republic of Ambazonia has put up fierce resistance against La Republique du Cameroun’s criminal acts and cruelty for five years and will continue to resist until independence is gotten.

Yaoundé waged the war on Southern Cameroons in 2016 to continue with the Francophone hegemony and crush the Ambazonia resistance.

The war, however, has stopped well short of all of its goals due to the Southern Cameroons resistance, despite killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and turning the entire British Southern Cameroons territory into the scene of Africa’s worst humanitarian crisis.

89-year-old Biya and his ruling Francophone CPDM gang, faced with Ambazonian infinite patience, have reached a dead end and suffered a humiliating defeat. Francophones in the Far North, Littoral, North, Central and South and in the West have realized such a fact, and it is now the talk of the town,” Yerima asserted.

While the French Cameroun criminals backed by Paris have failed to achieve their goals and suffered failures in their bids against Southern Cameroons, the Ambazonian nation has recorded glorious victories. This aggression on Southern Cameroons is already providing a sound reason for the Federal Republic of Ambazonia as a nation to exercise patience and carry on its struggle,” Yerima told Cameroon Intelligence Report.

Elsewhere in the CIR conversation, Vice President Dabney Yerima said the UN and the European Union must take practical steps for peace in a way that would benefit the people of Southern Cameroons. The Ambazonian nation, having endured enormous suffering, deserves all forms of support, Yerima concluded.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai