Federal Republic of Ambazonia: Only La Republique benefits from Ambazonia disunity 0

The Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government (IG) has called for an end to unhealthy rivalry and divisions among Southern Cameroons front line leaders that have pitted Ambazonia groups against each other, saying the disunity only serves French Cameroun’s interests.

The IG met on Friday, after a series of Ambazonia actions geared towards preventing the reopening of schools in Southern Cameroons.

“The ongoing killings are against the will of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia and only serve the French Cameroun enemy and its malicious projects against the Ambazonian nation” Dabney Yerima said.

The exiled Southern Cameroons leader also warned that continued killing of Southern Cameroonians by restoration forces would endanger the struggle and damage the Southern Cameroons cause.

Vice President Dabney Yerima further called on all Southern Cameroons front line leaders to unmask the perpetrators of the crimes in Muea, Buea, Kumba and Kumbo and unite Southern Cameroonians in the face of the French Cameroun enemy.

Back to school is Southern Cameroons has been rocked by several rounds of clashes between Cameroon government forces and Ambazonia restoration fighters.

Attacks on teachers and students have left several people dead, including two head teachers and a female student.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai