IG on Sisiku Ayuk Tabe: The greatest fear of any political prisoner is to be forgotten 0

The Southern Cameroons Interim Government has issued a statement detailing the current situation of the Ambazonia leader President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and his top aides.

The statement decried La Republique du Cameroun’s crimes in Southern Cameroons and the holding of hundreds of Southern Cameroonians in French Cameroun jails.

The document made public by the office of the Vice President, Dabney Yerima observed that over the past 7 years, the French Cameroun regime has mastered the nasty game of arresting innocent Southern Cameroonians and Francophone army soldiers deployed to Southern Cameroons are now commercialising their freedom.

The only message that Yaoundé is sending to the world by its continued incarcerating of the Ambazonia leader President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and his top aides is that it revels in the endless depth of its gratuitous cruelty” the statement noted.

President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and his senior aides are detained for demanding the dignity and freedom that every human being is inherently entitled to; for representing the marginalized people of Southern Cameroons; for nothing. President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and his jailed cabinet deserve their liberty” the statement furthered.

The Ambazonia Interim Government statement urged the international community to initiate a game-changing global endeavor aimed at stopping the war in Southern Cameroons and collectively impose draconian consequences on the 90-year-old Biya and his ruling French Cameroun political elites.

The IG press release reminded every Southern Cameroonian that the greatest fear of any political prisoner is to be forgotten.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai