Southern Cameroons Crisis: Cameroon gov’t loses third of Lebialem territory 0

Ambazonia Restoration Forces are now in control of more than a third of Lebialem County after heavy fighting with Cameroon government troops. It is a major blow for the Biya French Cameroun regime that recently withdrew all civil servants including teachers and medics from the area.

Yaoundé said government troops were currently being deployed to the outskirts of Lebialem and a major offensive is being considered.

Thousands of natives have fled the besiege division after several weeks of intense fighting. Hundreds of families have been displaced.

The so-called Senior Divisional Officer for Lebialem has been driven out of the constituency as Amba fighters continue with self defense operations.

After further fighting last month, Cameroon government soldiers are reported to have lost all of their security check points between Lebialem and Dschang and Lebialem and Upper Banyang leaving Biya and his Paul Tasong gang with under two-thirds of the territory.

Vice President Dabney Yerima of the Southern Cameroons Interim Government told Cameroon Concord News that Restoration Forces had made a tactical withdrawal to more defendable front lines throughout the entire Federal Republic of Ambazonia but Amba  advances will resume anytime soon with the big rubbergun project.

Cameroon government troops have also abandoned their security checkpoints in Akwaya and the Mamfe-Ekok road following several attacks from Southern Cameroons fighters, according to monitors.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai with files from