Southern Cameroons Crisis: Cho Ayaba gang targeting Amba fighters instead of backing them 0

A senior Southern Cameroon front line leader in South Africa has denounced the destabilizing role of the Cho Ayaba criminal group in Southern Cameroons, saying the so-called ADF fighters are targeting Ambazonia Restoration Forces and innocent Southern Cameroons civil servants instead of supporting them.

Speaking on Tuesday exclusively to Cameroon Concord News, Dr Patrick Ayuk urged Vice President Dabney Yerima of the Southern Cameroons Interim Government to call for an end to all ADF missions in Ground Zero and to push for a united command for all Restoration and Self Defense Groups.

The ADF agents are not a pro-Independence fighting group, but rather a destabilizing factor helping the occupying French Cameroun army. To many in Ground Zero, Cho Ayaba’s small group of armed men seems to be inciting many other groups opposed to their existence in Ground Zero, which is a source of instability” Dr Patrick Ayuk said.

Dr Cho Ayaba and his gang are not fulfilling Ambazonia Restoration duties of providing support to Amba fighters but are targeting Self Defense groups instead, especially the commanders loyal to the Interim Government” Dr Patrick Ayuk added.

Cameroon Concord News understands that Cho Ayaba wants to be leader at all cost with the pitiful argument that he has been advocating for the Southern Cameroon’s cause for 32 years. Longevity in the struggle is respected but solid personal achievements, integrity, leadership skills, and a clear vision are revered.

The people of Southern Cameroons want leaders who know where they are going. The Ambazonia people understand that 32 years in the struggle while making the same mistakes is akin to insanity. The nature of our emergency calls for much more than a village celebrity with a long history of divisiveness and fraud.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai