Southern Cameroons Crisis: IG censures Yaoundé’s recent heinous crimes in Belo, Ndop and Chomba 0

The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Ambazonia Interim Government has denounced the recent killing of ten Southern Cameroonians as documented by Human Rights Watch.

The ten Southern Cameroonians were reportedly killed by several bullets after Cameroon government forces violently broke into homes in Belo, Chomba, Missong and Ndop in the North West region.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the killings were all extrajudicial and premeditated assassinations.

The Ambazonia Interim Government statement noted that “The killings in Belo, Chomba, Missong and Ndop are an extension of the series of executions and field assassinations committed by Francophone army soldiers on instructions from Yaoundé.”

The IG statement furthered that the French Cameroun troops committed the crimes in a heinous manner justifying the complete and total absence of international protection for the people of Southern Cameroons and the international community’s disregard for the crimes of the Francophone soldiers, the murder and assassinations that go on daily without any accountability or trial.

The Ambazonia Interim Government said the Francophone soldiers did not even try to arrest the Southern Cameroonians, but rather broke into their homes with the intention to kill them.

Cameroon Intelligence Report sources hinted that the ten Southern Cameroonians were shot point-blank with a live round as they opened their doors. The Francophone soldiers then forced their way into the houses and ransacked the buildings. Six other Southern Cameroonians who were wounded during the raids in Belo were left bleeding on the ground.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai with files