Biya French Cameroun regime’s foundation based on marginalization and crimes 0

Vice President Dabney Yerima has strongly denounced the massacre of six Southern Cameroonians in Kumbo and the recent French Cameroun government army raids on the Kumbo Divisional Hospital, stating that the foundation of the Yaoundé regime is based on marginalization and crimes.

The exiled Ambazonia leader made the comments in a statement released late on Thursday which he observed that the shameful events in Kumbo reveal a continuation of appalling and unbelievable massacre of Southern Cameroons civilians throughout the Ambazonian territory at the hands of the blood-thirsty Biya French Cameroun regime and its Southern Cameroons collaborators in Maryland USA.

Dabney Yerima added, “The happenings in Bui County was neither the first crime committed by the French Cameroun crime syndicate nor would be the last one.”

The foundation of the Biya French Cameroun regime in Yaoundé is based on marginalization, crimes and flagrant violations of human rights,” the Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government pointed out.

In recent weeks, Ambazonia fighters have carried out a series of deadly ambushes against the Cameroonian army which have been on a bigger scale than anything yet seen since the start of the conflict five years ago. The army high command wants to change strategy but has yet to say how it intends to proceed.

By Chi Prudence Asong