Southern Cameroons Crisis: IG says Yaoundé-Moscow military deal can’t frighten Ambazonians 0

The leadership of the Ambazonian Interim Government has delivered a strong-worded response to belligerent remarks by the CPDM Minister of Communications Sadi Rene.

The spokesman for the Biya Francophone dominated government had claimed that the new Russia-Cameroon military deal will help Yaoundé confront Ambazonian fighters and Boko Haram and that the army was now prepared for action against Southern Cameroons separatists on all fronts.

In response, the Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government Dabney Yerima said such vain remarks cannot frighten the Ambazonian people and their resistance.

Nor would French Cameroun-Russia connection discourage the people of Southern Cameroons from keeping up their legitimate struggle against the occupying French Cameroun regime.

Our Southern Cameroons revolution will continue until we the people of British Southern Cameroons achieve our major goals of liberation and return to our homeland,” Dabney Yerima furthered.

Ever since the French backed Francophone government in Yaoundé announced its so-called military deal with Russia and President Putin, the ruling CPDM crime syndicate has stepped up its deadly aggression across the entire Southern Cameroons territories, prompting Amba fighters to ramp up their resistance operations in response.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai