Yaoundé will be eventually forced to back down in face of Amba resistance 0

The Vice President of the Ambazonia Interim Government has hailed the steadfastness of Southern Cameroon fighters in the face of continued French Cameroun military operations in Ground Zero, stressing that Yaoundé will eventually have no option but to retreat in humiliation.

Dabney Yerima made the remarks in a Saturday audio broadcast from Holland.

The exiled Southern Cameroons leader stated that time is not in favour of the French Cameroun enemy. Yerima added that Southern Cameroonians all over the world must continue to resist.

He furthered that Yaoundé is confused and this is reflected in the contradictory statements being made by Francophone political elites.

Dabney Yerima emphasized that Ambazonia self defense operations will intensify both in terms of numbers and type this December and will continue on a daily basis.

By Toto Roland Motuba