APNC and Dr Sako’s IG: Ambazonia sources of glory and shame 0

The so-called APNC conference has come and gone and from every indication the meeting failed in contributing anything to the Southern Cameroons restoration struggle. 28 anti Interim Government personalities took part in the conference including some hired photographers.  It was forbidden to show any picture of the super crowd and super delegates the organizers had claimed would filled the hall.

The scantily attended Southern Cameroons forum aired out a group photo but no images of the audience have ever since been made public. This was indeed a Southern Cameroons conference of glory and shame.  Glory because Ambazonians now have a group of people who are challenging the interim government rocked by numerous financial scandals. And shame because it was an ill-disguised attempt at toppling the Southern Cameroons Interim Government.

Southern Cameroonians all over the world were waiting for the APNC to give their Interim Government a vote of no confidence, but it is now abundantly clear that those who travelled to the USA for the said conference gave themselves a red card.

Through the organizers of APNC, the dust has now settled and the world can see clearly that the Southern Cameroons Interim Government is the people’s government-though acting now like a train with no brakes.

Acting President Sako’s recent action of freezing all Interim Government bank accounts has instead helped the organizers of the APNC conference who should have gone home with nothing!!! The language coming from members of the Interim Government has been consistently inconsistent with some rejoicing and calling on the APNC men and women to humble themselves and make recommendations to the IG. This is just a repeat of CPDM politics in Southern Cameroons. Correspondingly, the Interim Government can also be painted as Ambazonia’s source of glory and shame.

The finances of the Ambazonian Interim Government is now organised around one man-Acting President Ikome Sako. That is dangerous, shameful, disgusting and disgraceful. By going that direction, Acting President Sako seeks to remake the Ambazonia Interim Government in CPDM image. President Paul Biya of French Cameroun has been more successful in this regard.

From the start, thousands of Ambazonians including the Cameroon Concord News Group were mesmerised with Sako’s coming as head of the Interim Government and we embraced him more fervently than SCOOP. However, as our briefing explains, Sako has taken ownership of the Interim Government. It is an extraordinary achievement from a man who had never earned a thousand dollars since moving to the US, who never held public office, who boasted of being a pastor and who, as recently, was sacked from a security job.

The organising principle of Mr Sako’s Interim Government is loyalty. Not, as with the best Southern Cameroons leaders such as Fon Gorgi Dinka, Justice Ebong, Chief Ayamba and Sisiku Ayuk Tabe who had loyalty to the restoration vision or the rule of law and order, but to just one man—Samuel Ikome Sako. In the Federal Republic of Ambazonia that is unprecedented and it is dangerous.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai