WCA welcomes move from the Government of Cameroon to engage with Separatist leaders 0

WCA welcomes the move from the Government of Cameroon to engage with separatist leaders for preliminary talks to find peace in the English speaking regions of Cameroon

With more than 3 years of a devastating war in the English Speaking regions of Cameroon showing little signs of easing, The West Cameroon Association, (WCA) is encouraged by the Press Release of Communications Minister of Government of Cameroon (GoC), Mr Rene Emmanuel Sadi, on July 06 2020 which indicates that representatives of the GoC has been engaged in preliminary talks with some of the captured separatist leaders in the search for a return to peace in the English speaking regions. WCA hopes that these exploratory meetings are a genuine beginning to seeking a lasting and durable settlement to the conflict.

It is apparent that discussions with these individuals cannot be conducted under their own free will as they are serving lengthy prison sentences for activities related to the crisis. WCA therefore proposes to the GoC to consider taking the following actions to demonstrate its seriousness and commitment to the process:

1.       Release all those who have been arrested and imprisoned as a result of the crisis, so that they can engage with the process as free people.

2.       Seek the inclusion of other parties whom majority of the English Speaking Cameroonians will find acceptable, including those who are connected with the fighters in the bushes and forests.

Accordingly, WCA would urge the GoC to continue with these confidence building measures and to seriously consider putting in place the enabling conditions for credible negotiations such as proposed by Mr. Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe following the reported meeting.


Richard Nfor