Southern Cameroons Crisis: US Congressman Ron Kind Calls for Action in Cameroon 0

US Congressman Ron Kind held an event in La Crosse to highlight the political and humanitarian crisis in Southern Cameroons and called for diplomatic American intervention to ease the suffering.

Ethnic violence between the French speaking majority and the English speaking minority has reached crisis levels.

Kind recently returned from a visit to the region and is calling for legislation to condemn the violence and impose expectations on the Camaroon Government to do its part.

“One thing we have done already,” says KInd, “is we have pulled back some of the security funding assistance to their military forces because of the security concerns that we raised with them and we can do more of that.”

Kind says people in La Crosse and the U.S. should care about oppression and violence and work together to condemn it, no matter where it’s happening.

Source: WXOW.Com